Dysbiosis, which also may be referred to as dysbacteriosis or gut dysbiosis, is a condition that occurs when the normal balance of bacterial flow, or microbiota, is disrupted in the body. Gut dysbiosis most often occurs following a course of antibiotic treatment. Antibiotics treat infections by combatting bacteria in the body. However, our guts house healthy bacteria that is essential for maintaining the proper balance of microflora for digestive health and immune system response. Unfortunately, antibiotics also attack the good bacteria that we need to stay healthy. It is the resulting imbalance of the gut flora that results from having too few beneficial bacteria and an overgrowth of bad bacteria, yeast, and parasites that is dysbiosis.
Dysbiosis is becoming more common as doctors over-prescribe antibiotics or prescribe them for viruses that cannot be cured with antibiotics. To help prevent gut dysbiosis, some doctors recommend patients take probiotics with antibiotic therapy. To help you understand the symptoms of dysbiosis and determine whether you have it and what you can do about it, we have gathered together 50 of the top online resources on dysbiosis symptoms, how to treat dysbiosis, cures, test options, and more. The following articles, guides and how-tos, infographics, scholarly papers, and videos will give you the information on gut dysbiosis so that you can protect your microbiota and get the balance you need to ensure a strong immune system and overall health.
Please note that while we have listed our top 50 dysbiosis resources here in no particular order, we have included a Table of Contents so that you can jump to the information that is of most use to you.
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1. Digestion and Dysbiosis
Women’s Health Network offers information that empowers women to make healthy decisions. In this article, Marcelle Pick, OB-GYN, NP, explains how the digestive system becomes disrupted when gut dysbiosis occurs. Pick also highlights the fact that the body cannot absorb nutrients as well as it should when we suffer from gastrointestinal problems and dysbiosis. It is important for people to realize that the intestinal tract plays a key role in nutrient absorption, so any intestinal problems can affect the function of the body and overall health.
Three key facts from Digestion and Dysbiosis:
- Dysbiosis may result from a lack of good bacteria in the intestines or an overgrowth of harmful organisms
- Organisms not typically predominant in the intestines drive disease by changing the body’s nutrition patterns
- Signs and symptoms of dysbiosis include bloating, burping, burning, and excessive gas after meals; nausea or diarrhea after taking supplements; chronic intestinal infections, parasites, yeast, and bad bacteria; and undigested food in the stool
2. The Root of Health – Dysbiosis
Nutritionist Megan Morris seeks to help readers “get to the root of chronic health problems” by sharing nutrition information relating to good health, the gut, and digestive issues. She considers how diet and lifestyle affect our health, and she presents a comprehensive overview of dysbiosis in this article, which includes facts, symptoms, causes, testing, healing, and more.
Three key facts from The Root of Health – Dysbiosis:
- In a disturbed digestive system, a bacteria strain becomes less effective at remaining in balance; as a result, one colony can become dominant and one becomes weaker, causing a chronic imbalance that harms good bacteria and compromises the digestive system
- Good bacteria in the gut is imperative to digestion, nutrient absorption, vitamin production, harmful microorganism growth control, and short chain fatty acid creation that feeds intestinal cells
- Dysbiosis can cause arthritis, autoimmune illness, vitamin B deficiency, chronic fatigue syndrome, cystic acne, eczema, food allergies, food sensitivities, inflammatory bowel disease, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), psoriasis, and more
3. Digestion & Gut Dysbiosis Therapy
Dr. Dooley and his team help people achieve better health through progressive medical solutions. One of their services is digestion and gut symbiosis therapy, as it is believed that more than 30 million Americans, especially women, suffer the effects of imbalanced gastrointestinal systems. As Dr. Dooley’s article points out, digestive health is important for all of the other body systems, and dysbiosis may result in toxic bacteria infesting the intestinal tract.
Three key facts from Digestion & Gut Dysbiosis Therapy:
- A number of factors can disrupt the balance of organisms in the intestines and lead to an overgrowth of less desirable bacteria and organisms, including antibiotic use, birth control pill use, hormone use, immunosuppressant use, steroid use, diets high in sugar, alcohol, and stress
- Dysbosis can cause several conditions including acne, depression, and food allergies
- It is possible to repopulate the good bacteria by eating foods like yogurt and acidophilus milk that contain healthy bacteria; you can also take an acidophilus supplement or Fructo-oligosaccharides (FOS) that increase the number of good bacteria in your system
4. Dysbiosis: Microbial Imbalance Inside the Body
Doctors Health Press is a health news and advice site that is on a mission to provide readers with the best alternative and natural health updates. Their dysbiosis article provides an overview of the condition and offers an explanation, connections between symbiosis and the digestive system, causes, signs and symptoms, and much more.
Three key facts from Dysbiosis: Microbial Imbalance Inside the Body:
- Natural remedies and treatments for symbiosis include probiotics, probiotics, herbal therapy, essential oils, and homeopathic remedies
- Improving the diet should be one of the first steps in treating symbiosis; it is common for people with dysbiosis to be lacking the B-complex vitamins, essential fatty acids, magnesium, calcium, vitamins C and E, zinc, beta-carotene, selenium, coenzyme Q10, and the sulfur amino acids
- Foods safe for those with symbiosis include organic, grass-fed meats, wild fish, leafy green vegetables, and other vegetables such as tomatoes, peppers, or cucumbers
5. Gut Dysbiosis
Epidemic Answers is a non-profit that offers information to parents about autism, ADHD, allergies, asthma, and more. In Gut Dysbiosis, the Epidemic Answers team explores how the imbalance of microorganisms in the body can lead to immune system issues, nutrient deficiency, and cellular toxicities.
Three key facts from Gut Dysbiosis:
- When the gut is dysbiotic (out of balance), disease-causing bacteria na mother germs take over helpful bacteria and cause digestion and other basic biological functions to break down and allow symptoms such as diarrhea or constipation to occur
- Dysbiosis is responsible for a vast number of physiological issues throughout the body, causing symptoms from depression to asthmatic wheezing
- Dysbisos and weakened immune response commonly occur simultaneously, and each condition may cause the other
6. Testing for Dysbiosis
MaryAnn Copson is an herbalist, nutritionist, health/wellness/life coach, educator, and author who shares information about testing for dysbiosis in this article. Copson also offers testing options directly from her site in addition to her services in interpreting test results and improving symptoms with nutritional and lifestyle treatment programs.
Three key facts from Testing for Dysbiosis:
- The major causes of symbiosis include dietary disturbances due to high protein or high sugar, lack of digestive enzymes, poor nutritional status, stress, intestinal infection, and antibiotic therapy
- Dysbiosis can cause diarrhea, burning, bloating, cramps, and constipation in addition to effects on tissues such as the brain, joints, and muscles
- The most effective treatments for gut dysbiosis include dietary changes and food supplements that replace beneficial bacteria and restore digestive function
7. Getting to the Root of the Problem – Dysbiosis
Nicolette Dumke has a B.S. in microbiology and medical technology and is the author of several books on food allergies and special diets. She offers information to help readers learn how to handle their food allergies and other health issues relating to diet, such as gut dysbiosis. In Getting to the Root of the Problem – Dysbiosis, Dumke examines how dysbiosis can lead to the development of food allergies
Three key facts from Getting to the Root of the Problem – Dysbiosis:
- Eating plenty of fiber helps promote the growth of beneficial bacteria such as Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium
- Diets high in sugar, dairy, and starches are difficult to digest and absorb and lead to dysbiosis
- Avoid iron supplements, fructooligosaccharides, and probiotics while undergoing treatment for dysbiosis; after treatment ends, begin taking probiotics to grow healthy bacteria in your system
8. Symptoms, Treatment and Diet for Dysbiosis
HomeRedmediesForYou.com centers on home remedies and natural cures for common illnesses. As their article on dysbiosis points out, the best way to treat the condition is by increasing the healthy bacteria in your body with dietary changes that include eating certain foods and and taking certain supplements and avoiding other foods.
Three key facts from Symptoms, Treatment and Diet for Dysbiosis:
- Include almonds, apples, berries, cottage cheese, peaches, ricotta, cheese, and raw vegetables in your diet to increase your levels of healthy bacteria
- Avoid artificial sweeteners, tropical fruits, white grains, pickles, vinegar, and hydrogenated oil because they increase the growth of harmful bacteria
- A weakened immune system, inappropriate use or repetitive use of antibiotics or steroids, and radiation are among the most common causes of dysbiosis
9. Imbalances of the Gut Flora in the GI Tract… or Dysbiosis
The Fern Life Center is an integrated medical clinic that is committed to individual’s health and wellbeing. This Fern Life Center article is extremely informative and includes examines types and symptoms of gut dysbiosis in addition to treatment options for it.
Three key facts from Imbalances of the Gut Flora in the GI Tract… or Dysbiosis:
- Unfortunately, dysbiosis can result from any alteration of the gut flora, including that caused by the use of antibiotics or acid-suppressing medications, GI infections, GI surgery, chronic maldigestion, chronic constipation, chronic mental or emotional stress, food allergies, or the standard American diet
- Two types of dysbiosis may occur: bacterial dysbiosis, which results when two few beneficial organisms are present or when too many pathogens are present, and small bowel bacterial overgrowth (SBOO), which results when bacteria normally found in the large intestine travel up to the small intestine, overgrow there, and add to the small number of bacteria already present there
- A typical approach to treating dysbiosis follows the 4 Rs: remove, replace, re-inoculate, and repair
10. Intestinal Dysbiosis Treatment
Dr. Michael Elice operates a comprehensive medical facility dedicated to people with autism and allergy, immune, and metabolic (AIM) problems. He and his staff focus on treating functional medical problems and the core imbalances that are at the root of various conditions including immune dysfunction, inflammation, hormonal imbalances, toxicity, and digestive, absorptive, and microbial imbalances such as dysbiosis. The AIM Integrative Medicine article, Intestinal Dysbiosis Treatment, explores the link between autism and GI symptoms and gut problems.
Three key facts from Intestinal Dysbiosis Treatment:
- More than 80% of children on the autism spectrum have GI symptoms, food allergies, and maldigestion or malabsorption problems
- Anti-yeast diets and natural remedies do not seem to completely solve the microbial issues kids with ASD have
- Organic diets, including those that are not genetically modified or engineered, help to treat gut issues like dysbiosis
11. Fermentation Dysbiosis: What Is It and Why Does It Occur?
Blogger Lisa struggled with her own digestive health for years and started on a journey toward healing with diet changes, education, and natural, holistic practices. She shares her progress and knowledge via The Healing Project. Her dysbiosis article explores the history of the condition and the ways which the bacterial imbalance in the gut negatively impacts the body. Lisa specifically considers fermentation dysbiosis and its symptoms, causes, and treatments.
Three key facts from Fermentation Dysbiosis: What Is It and Why Does It Occur?:
- Fermentation dysbiosis presents itself when there is an overgrowth of bad bacteria in the gut because of a diet too rich in carbohydrates and sugar
- Antibiotics, stress, antacids, and medications such as NSAIDs and oral contraceptives contribute to the bacterial imbalance and a weakened immune system
- It is possible to treat fermentation dysbiosis by removing refined foods, alcohol, dairy, sugar, and grains from the diet and increasing intake of whole foods and probiotic-rich foods such as kimchi and sauerkraut in addition to taking a daily probiotic supplement
12. Carbohydrate Malabsorption, Gut Flora, and Leaky Gut
CFNaturalHealth.com is a site dedicated to highlighting the most recent research and integrative health care information related to cystic fibrosis (CF) and other chronic diseases. Their dysbiosis article explains that the collection of microorganisms in the GI tract is our microbiota and that people’s unhealthy diets and lifestyles have led to unhealthy gut microbiomes. Individuals with CF especially need to be aware of their micribiomes and eat a healthy diet because their antibiotic therapies lead to malabsorption issues and dysbiosis.
Three key facts from Carbohydrate Malabsorption, Gut Flora, and Leaky Gut:
- Taking high quality probiotics, eating fermented foods, and eating foods high in prebiotic fibers is a good way to stave off dysbiosis
- Eating refined carbohydrates and not enough fiber feeds bad bacteria and starves beneficial bacteria
- Beneficial bacteria require more time to populate than pathogenic flora do after antibiotic therapy
13. A Natural Treatment for Intestinal Dysbiosis
Natural-Help offers colonic hydrotherapy treatments within the Cure By Nature clinic in London, England. In this gut dysbiosis article, they explain the options for natural treatment of the condition and explore its signs and symptoms and possible causes.
Three key facts from A Natural Treatment for Intestinal Dysbiosis:
- General treatment strategies for dysbiosis should be tailored to meet the needs of individual patients
- Restore intestinal balance with probiotic supplements after identifying and removing the underlying cause such as antibiotic therapy, poor diet, stress, or weakened immune system
- It is important to establish a long-term plan to maintain healthy digestion
14. Is Gut Dysbiosis Involved in Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome?
Gut Microbiota for Health is a public information service from the European Society of Neurogastroenterology and Motility. They share research and practice methods by experts, for experts from both medical and scientific communities. Science writer Andreu Prados specializes in gut micribiota and probiotics, and his Gut Microbiota for Health article explores the role of gut microbiota in myalgic encephalomyelitis and chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) patients.
Three key facts from Is Gut Dysbiosis Invovlved in Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome?:
- ME/CFS patients have an imbalance of gut microbiota that may contribute to increased microbial translocation and inflammatory symptoms
- It may be beneficial to change diets of ME/CFS patients to include prebiotics or probiotics to help treat the disease
- Further research is needed to determine whether gut dysbiosis is a cause or consequence of ME/CFS
15. ‘Dysbiosis,’ Gut Microflora, Probiotics and Their Relevance in Histamine Intolerance
Foods Matter is a resource for allergy, intolerance, coeliac, and food sensitivity. In this Foods Matter article, Dr. Janice Joneja explores how we can influence gut bacteria especially as it relates to histamine overload and intolerance.
Three key facts from ‘Dysbiosis,’ Gut Microflora, Probiotics and Their Relevance in Histamine Intolerance:
- The microbial flora of people in the same home, eating the same diet can be vastly different; the microbiome of each person depends on the environment, diet, and unique immunology and physiology of each person
- Signs of a disturbed digestive tract microflora include pain, excessive gas, bloating, diarrhea, or constipation
- “Cataclysmic events” like taking oral antibiotics change the composition of the microflora; in most cases, the original types and numbers of the microbial population becomes reestablished over time
16. Gut Imbalance: The Modern Plague and Hidden Epidemic
In his Huffington Post article, “The Food MD” and author of The Gut Balance Revolution Dr. Gerry Mullin explains the vital role a balanced gut plays in wellness and staving off illness. In fact, doctors and scientists are still working to learn more about the gut-body system axes such as the gut-brain, gut-immune, gut-liver, and gut-kidney axes because an imbalanced gut has dire consequences on them.
Three key facts from Gut Imbalance: The Modern Plague and Hidden Epidemic:
- A variety of disorders have been linked to gut dysbiosis: autism spectrum disorder, schizophrenia, depression, anxiety, ADHD, migraines, arthritis, cancer, asthma, allergies, and more
- Gut microbial imbalances have been linked to nearly all chronic diseases
- Balancing the gut with probiotics and foods containing live cultured or prebiotic foods improves outcomes
17. Bacteria Imbalance: A Common Problem
Newsmax Health offers news for total wellness for a better life. Board-certified family physician and a leading practitioner of holistic medicine, Dr. David Brownstein penned an article for Newsmax Health detailing the problems associated with dysbiosis. As Dr. Brownstein explains, there are a few things people can do to treat gut dysbiosis and relieve symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).
Three key facts from Bacteria Imbalance: A Common Problem:
- An important first step in treating dysbiosis is identifying the root of the problem
- Taking probiotics along with antibiotic therapy helps patients enhance their flora
- It is also important to change your diet and eat fewer refined foods full of sugar, salt, flour, and oil in addition to taking probiotics
Ahealth Group shares a comprehensive gastro directory covering GI tract disorders such as irritable bowel syndrome, colitis, gallstone disease, pancreatitis, and dysbiosis. Their Treatment of Dysbiosis article explores the various treatments that should be used to treat different types of dysbiosis.
Three key facts from Treatment of Dysbiosis:
- Putrefaction dysbiosis is best treated with a diet high in soluble and insoluble fiber and low in animal protein and fat
- Fermentation dysbiosis responds best to a diet that excludes sugars and cereal grains and high in oligosaccharides and especially carrots
- Antimicrobial therapy with herbal antibiotics is useful in treating some cases of dysbiosis
YourHealth is among the leaders of integrative medicine and provides an “optimal blend of natural medicine and traditional general practice” across Australia. In Candida and Dysbiosis, the YourHealth team shares information about these two health conditions that can arise from antibiotic therapy.
Three key facts from Candida and Dysbiosis:
- A deficiency in normal intestinal flora is common in patients with irritable bowel syndrome and food intolerance, and probiotics and fructooligosaccharides are helpful in reestablishing levels of beneficial bacteria in teh gut
- Chronic inflammatory immune responses are common in people who have an imbalance of gut bacteria or who have hypersensitivity to it
- Antibiotic and corticosteroids, pregnancy and high estrogen levels, obesity, and diets high in sugar, meat, and fat can cause, trigger, or exacerbate dysbiosis
20. New Obesity Facts Point to Thyroid and Dysbiosis
Becky Plotner is a wife, mother, teacher, and author who blogs about the effects of processed food and an unhealthy diet on all aspects of health. In this article, Plotner shares the work of Dr. Alan Christianson in studying obesity as it relates to the thyroid and microbiota. Dr. Christianson is a physician who focuses on natural endocrinology.
Three key facts from New Obesity Facts Point to Thyroid and Dysbiosis:
- Controlling sugar levels is key to balancing the microbiota
- Increase levels of protein and fiber in the diet, but keep in mind that your system only digests fiber when you have a healthy microbiome
- Detoxing and eating frequently to avoid blood sugar swings help in resetting gut bacteria
21. Healing the Intestines: Returning to the Use of Traditional Food as Medicine
Michael McEvoy is a functional diagnostic nutritionist, nutritional consultant, and metabolic typing advisor. He partners with Julie Sands Donaldson to present MetabolicHealing, a site where they share knowledge about health and nutrition for readers and support people with their health and wellness needs. In this dysbiosis article, McEvoy examines the important of intestinal health and the detrimental effects damaged gut flora has on the body.
Three key facts from Healing the Intestines: Returning to the Use of Traditional Food as Medicine:
- To heal the gut and intestinal mucosal barrier function, people must normalize the intestinal flora; a healthy immune system depends on it
- Probiotic supplementation is beneficial for people with compromised gut function, autoimmune conditions, and pathogenic infections
- It also is important to consume high-quality foods that are “in harmoney with one’s type of metabolism” and eliminate foods that harm instead of help
Guides and How-Tos
Ahealth Group offers this guide to diagnosing dysbiosis for health professionals, which also may be used as a reference source for medical students and patients who want to understand dysbiosis testing options and results. As the guide points out, the most useful test for diagnosing the condition is a comprehensive digestive stool analysis, or CDSA.
Three key tips from Diagnosis of Dysbiosis:
- It is wise to test for dysbiosis if patients have inflammatory, gastrointestinal, or autoimmune disorders, food intolerance and allergy, colon or breast cancer, unexplained fatigue, neuropsychiatric symptoms, or malnutrition
- The Gut Dysbiosis Score makes CDSA more useful; a score of 7 or more strongly indicates clinical dysbiosis
- Severe cases of dysbiosis may result in abnormal blood tests showing low levels of circulating B12, hypoalbuminemia, and erythrocyte macrocytosis
23. How to Test for Dysbiosis
Holistic Primary Care is an authority on natural medicine and holistic health care. Contributing writer Dr. Madiha Saeed’s Holistic Primary Care dysbiosis how-to offers a comprehensive look at testing options and reminds readers to watch for low levels of B vitamins and zinc in test results.
Three key tips from How to Test for Dysbiosis:
- DsStart with testing the B vitamins; if they are low, the microbiome is unhealthy
- Food sensitivity tests, genetic tests, toxin load assessments, pulse tests, and antigen tests for H. pylori, C. difficile, and other bacteria are helpful in evaluating gut health
- Chronic stress, age, environmental toxins, food sensitivities, genetics, malnutrition, obesity, smoking, antibiotics, and diet negatively impact microbiome composition
24. Dysbiosis Diet Foods to Avoid
LIVESTRONG.com is passionate about healthy eating and exercise, and they share a wealth of nutrition and exercise information to help readers be as healthy as possible. Shelley Moore’s LIVESTRONG guide to dysbiosis highlights food people should avoid in order to balance the bacteria in the digestive tract.
Three key tips from Dysbiosis Diet Foods to Avoid:
- Decrease sugar consumption including cane sugar, honey, maple syrup, molasses, corn syrup, dextrose, fructose, glucose, sucrose, and artificial sweeteners
- Avoid milk, milk substitutes, cheese containing lactose, cheese spreads, commercial yogurt, whey, butter, sour cream, and ice cream
- Avoid bananas, citrus fruits, grapes, apples, cherries, pears, plums, and strawberries
25. Paleo Foods to Heal a Leaky Gut
The Paleo Diet is a life-long plan for optimizing health and wellbeing from Dr. Loren Cordain, founder of the Paleo movement. The Paleo Diet Team shares foods for healing a leaky gut in this guide to dysbiosis and recommends steering clear of the standard American diet (SAD) that consists of grains, dairy, simple carbohydrates, sugars, and unhealthy oils.
Three key tips from Paleo Foods to Heal a Leaky Gut:
- Combining the standard American diet with antibiotics and prescription drugs is a hazardous combination for the bacteria balance in the digestive tract; adopting a Paleo diet is one step toward improving gut function
- When on a gut-healing protocol, avoid grains, legumes, dairy, sugars, unhealthy oils, alcohol, caffeine, and excessive carbohydrate consumption
- Gut-healing foods include probiotic-rich foods such as fermented vegetables and kombucha; multi-species, dairy-free probiotic supplements, bone broth; sweet potatoes; avocado; coconut oil; pure olive oil; and omega-3 rich foods such as seafood and salmon
26. A Beginner’s Guide to Gut Bugs & Dysbiosis
Healthy By Design, owned and operated by registered dietitian Beth Danowsky, features nutrition and health tips to help readers on their journey to wellbeing. Beth’s guide to bacteria and dysbiosis provides an overview of the microbe and the effects of unbalanced microflora in addition to causes and symptoms of dysbiosis. A Beginner’s Guide to Gut Bugs & Dysbiosis is a terrific resource for anyone wanting to learn and understand more about the condition.
Three key tips from A Beginner’s Guide to Gut Bugs & Dysbiosis:
- Think of probiotics as the seed of a healthy digestive tract; they prime the immune system and help the beneficial bacteria in your system work efficiently
- Work with a doctor or nutritionist who can identify the strain of probiotic you need to fit your particular dysbiosis issues
- Probiotics such as fructooligosaccharides, galactooligosaccharides, and lactulose feed the beneficial bacteria in your gut and are found in onions, garlic, barley, asparagus, banana, and wheat
27. Dysbiosis (aka Parasites, Candida, Bacterial Overgrowth, Etc.)
Richard Whelan is a medical herbalist out of New Zealand who has been in full-time practice since 1989. He shares the history, science, and practical use of herbs along with his experience in treating patients with a variety of health conditions on his website. Dysbiosis (aka Parasites, Candida, Bacterial Overgrowth, Etc.) is Whelan’s comprehensive guide to the condition and includes symptoms and diagnosis, antimicrobials treatments, repopulation methods, and much more.
Three key facts from Dysbiosis (aka Parasites, Candida, Bacterial Overgrowth, Etc.):
- Dysbiosis is harmful to the body because it saps the body’s energy and nutrients, causes toxicity through substances leaking into the body from the bowel, and disrupts immune health
- People with chronic dysbiosis feel fatigued and out of sorts
- Raw garlic and wormwood are two of the best substances to treat especially tough cases of dysbiosi
28. Dysbiosis Diet: For Control of Candida, Bacteria, Viruses & Parasites
Dr. Dicken Weatherby, president of Weatherby & Associates, LLC, created the Functional Blood Chemistry Analysis Software program. This program helps health care practitioners grow their practices with specialized techniques in diagnosis. He also helps patients understand how to live healthier by sharing this guide to eating for people with gut dysbiosis.
Three key tips from Dysbiosis Diet: For Control of Candida, Bacteria, Viruses & Parasites:
- Eat two large chopped salads each day because beneficial bacteria thrive on vegetable fiber
- Chew your food thoroughly to improve digestion, break down food particles, and treat dysbiosis
- Identify and eliminate allergens to help the immune system function properly and help restore gut bacteria balance
29. A Practical Clinical Guide to Understanding Dysbiosis and Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Health Medicine Center focuses on integrative health and wellbeing by merging the technology of modern medicine with the wisdom of ancient healing systems. Health Medicine Center medical director Dr. Len Saputo, who specializes in internal medicine, orthomolecular medicine, and pain management with infrared light, shares this guide to dysbiosis and IBS, which covers nine pathways to the condition, including dietary, inflammation, maldigestion, stress, immune dysfunction, and more.
Three key facts from A Practical Guide to Understanding Dysbiosis and Irritable Bowel Syndrome:
- The use and abuse of antibiotic therapy may be the most frequent cause of significant dysbiosis today
- Every time antibiotics are used, there are significant changes in the microflora in the GI tract and other locations of the body
- A state of severe and sustained dysbiosis, caused by prolonged antibiotic treatment, can result in clinical disease
30. How to Heal Your Gut After Antibiotics
Primal Docs are physicians and healthcare practitioners who take an evolutionary approach to health and nutrition. In How to Heal Your Gut After Antibiotics, the Primal Docs remind us that it is important to take probiotics while you are undergoing antibiotic therapy. They also remind us to continue taking supplements after the therapy and include probiotic-rich foods in the diet for the long term.
Three key tips from How to Heal Your Gut After Antibiotics:
- Drink fermented water with juices or fruit included or dairy that contains kefir grains
- Eat fermented cabbage such as kimchi or sauerkraut
- Include prebiotics in the diet with foods such as onions, bananas, honey, garlic, and leeks
31. Understanding How Gut Dysbiosis Contributes to Disease
HealthCentral empowers people to improve and take control of their health and wellbeing. Their guide to dysbiosis walks readers through the condition including a definition of it, the ways in which it occurs, and how it relates to disease.
Three key facts from Understanding How Gut Dysbiosis Contributes to Disease:
- The imbalance of gut bacteria that occurs when people have dysbiosis leads to negative health effects and promotes disease
- Dysbiosis is believed to contribute to diseases such as inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)
- There still is a great deal to learn about dysbiosis, but doctors and scientists are determining that imbalanced gut bacteria play a role in diseases such as multiple sclerosis and obesity
32. When You can’t Trust Your Gut Feeling
Health Perch, a digital health magazine, shares the latest health, beauty, nutrition, and fitness news and tips. Their dysbiosis infographic shares eight simple strategies for improving gut health. As we have embraced antibacterial soap, hand sanitizer, antibiotics, and other products that fight bacteria, we inadvertently have reduced the number of healthy bacteria that we need to balance the bad bacteria in our bodies.
Three key facts from When You Can’t Trust YOur Gut Feeling:
- A stressed gut has an increased level of inflammatory cells that are detrimental to overall health
- Eating a variety of fruits and vegetables increases our intake of soluble and insoluble fiber, which contribute to intestinal health
- Physical activity such as exercise improves the diversity of gut bacteria and impedes dysbiosis
33. Why Your Gut Flora Matterws and How to Keep it Healthy
Annie Cannon, naturopathic doctor, shares natural health tips and advice for simpler living at the Healthy Minimalist. Her article on gut flora includes an infographic detailing the ways in which your lifestyle affects your gut.
Three key facts from Why Your Gut Flora Matterws and How to Keep it Healthy:
- Long-term use of antacids leads to low stomach acid and intestinal dysbiosis
- Dysbiosis leads to toxin production that may result in leaky gut, poor immunity, migraines, moo swings, brain fog, bloating, gas, asthma, rashes, depression, diarrhea, and more
- Antibiotic use contributes to dysbiosis and leads to an inability to absorb protein, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals
Scholarly Papers
34. Dysbiosis of the Gut Microbiota in Disease
The National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) advances science and health by providing access to biological information. They share this dysbiosis paper by Simon Carding, Kristin Verbeke, Daniel T. Vipond, Bernard M. Corfe, and Lauren J. Owen, which was published in the Microbial Ecology in Health and Disease journal. The paper examines the evidence showing how gut microbiota contributes to disease development.
Three key facts from Dysbiosis of the Gut Microbiota in Disease:
- Bacterial intervention may improve disease activity
- Significant potential exists for manipulating the microbiota to sustain, improve, or restore it in at-risk or diseased people
- Imbalanced gut bacteria may drive immune-inflammatory and oxidative and nitrosative stress pathways in depression
35. Diet-Induced Dysbiosis of the Intestinal Microbiota and the Effects on Immunity and Disease
NCBI also shares this scholarly paper on dysbiosis, which was originally published in Nutrients, by Kristy Brown, Daniella DeCoffe, Erin Molcan, and Deanna L. Gibson. The paper details the consequences of a disrupted GI microbiota and discusses the role of the microbiota and the likelihood that diet-induced dysbiosis plays a role in GI tract inflammatory conditions and systemic diseases.
Three key facts from Diet-Induced Dysbiosis of the Intestinal Microbiota and the Effects on Immunity and Disease:
- The microbiota of the GI tract is key to determining a person’s susceptibility to GI infections
- It is critical for the microbiota to function normally to maintain balanced immunity; dysbiosis alters immune function and increases the risk of disease
- Diet alters disease susceptibility by changing the microbiota
36. Clinical Consequences of Diet-Induced Dysbiosis
The Nestlé Nutrition Institute advances “science for better nutrition” to enhance the quality of people’s lives. They share a paper about diet-induced dysbiosis by Yee Kwan Chan, Mehrbod Estaki, and Deanna L. Gibson from the University of British Columbia’s Department of Biology. One of the findings outlined in the paper is that dietary patters affect the microbiota balance, which results in physiological consequences.
Three key facts from Clinical Consequences of Diet-Induced Dysbiosis:
- Dysbiosis is at the root of many diseases, including local gastrointestinal and systemic diseases
- Restoring and maintaining a healthy gut microbiota is an effective way to resolve diseases associated with dysbiosis
- Various dietary factors and gut bacteria may lead to dysbiosis that alters immune responses and makes people more vulnerable to certain diseases
37. Part 2: Treatments for Chronic Gastrointestinal Disease and Gut Dysbiosis
NCBI shares this scholarly paper on treatments for dysbiosis and chronic GI disease from Integrative Medicine: A Clinician’s Journal. Written by Dr. Matthew J. Bull and Dr. Nigel T. Plummer, Part 2: Treatments for Chronic Gastrointestinal Disease and Gut Dysbiosis continues a review of the connection between gut microbiota and health. As the authors point out, research supports using probiotic bacteria such as Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium genera to treat dysbiosis using microbes.
Three key facts from Part 2: Treatments for Chronic Gastrointestinal Disease and Gut Dysbiosis:
- Gut microbiota has a key role in health and GI diseases and has further effects on diseases outside of the gut
- Maintaining a healthy gut microbiota may be an important component of managing causes and symptoms of chronic and acute diseases
- Probiotics and prebiotics are an alternative to steroids, immunosuppressants, and surgical interventions for modulating and stabilizing gut microbiota and restoring it to healthy levels
38. Bacteriome and Micobiome Interactions Underscore Microbial Dysbiosis in Familial Crohn’s Disease
In this paper on dysbiosis and Crohn’s Disease, published by the American Society for Microbiology’s mBio, authors G. Hoarau, P. K. Mukherjee, C. Gower-Rousseau, C. Hager, J. Chandra, M. A. Retuerto, C. Neut, S. Vermeire, J. Clemente, J. F. Colombel, H. Fujioka, D. Poulain, B. Sendid, and M. A. Ghannoum explain how they used Ion Torrent sequencing to characterize the gut bacterial microbiota and fungal community in people with CD and their non-diseased first-degree relatives. The authors defined the microbial interactions that lead to dysbiosis in Crohn’s Disease and identified fungal and bacterial species associated with CD dysbiosis.
Three key facts from Bacteriome and Mycobiome Interactions Underscore Microbial Dysbiosis in Familial Crohn’s Disease:
- The composition of intestinal microbiota is influenced by the genetic background of the person, dietary habits, and the environment
- First-degree relatives of individuals with Crohn’s Disease are at a much higher risk of developing CD than the general population
- Fungal species interact with bacterial pathogens, which may play an important role in Crohn’s Disease
39. Use of Probiotics to Correct Dysbiosis of Normal Microbiota Following Disease or Disruptive Events: A Systematic Review
NCBI has made Lynne V. MacFarland’s paper, originally published in BMJ Open, available to readers wanting to know more about how probiotics correct dysbiosis after a disease or other disruptive event. MacFarland has determined that improvement of dysbiosis varies by individual and the timing of microbiological assays and calls for further research to determine which probiotic strains are best for correcting the condition.
Three key facts from Use of Probiotics to Correct Dysbiosis of Normal Microbiota Following Disease or Disruptive Events: A Systematic Review:
- Clinical evidence supports efficacy of some probiotic strains
- The loss of beneficial bacteria from antibiotic therapy inhibits the microbiota’s ability to resist infection by pathogenic organisms, which triggers diarrhea and higher rates of infections in other body systems
- One challenge of establishing probiotics’ effectiveness in improving dysbiosis is a lack of a standard definition of normal microbiota, as there is substantial variation of species of microbes present in individuals
40. 18 Ways Gut Dysbiosis (Bad Bacteria) Ruins Health
Dr. Bryan Walsh of FatIsNotYourFault.com helps people lose weight when diet and exercise don’t work. He explains 18 ways that gut bacteria produce toxins that negatively impact our physiology in this dysbiosis video, available on YouTube.
Three key facts from 18 Ways Gut Dysbiosis (Bad Bacteria) Ruins Health:
- Having a healthy gastrointestinal system is important to having an overall healthy life
- Dysbiosis can lead to depression, lower levels of motivation, and short-term memory issues
- Dysbiosis may lead to malnutrition if the body is unable to absorb nutrients from food due to leaky gut
41. Gut Dysbiosis: Starving Our Microbial Self
Dr. Michael Greger presents NutritionFacts.org, a noncommercial, science-based source for the latest nutrition and health information. He shares hundreds of short, engaging videos, such as Gut Dysbiosis: Starving Our Microbial Self, to help viewers achieve a better state of wellbeing. As this video points out, when we do not consume enough probiotics, dysbiosis results.
Three key facts from Gut Dysbiosis: Starving Our Microbial Self:
- Consuming three daily servings of legumes, such as beans, split pea, chickpeas, and lentils can improve our gut health
- Dietary fiber is important for microbiota health because it is what beneficial bacteria thrive on
- Eating too many processed foods causes dysbiosis because we starve the beneficial bacteria in the large intestines
42. Health Matters: The Dangers of Dysbiosis
Greg Newson is a naturopath, nutritionist, medical herbalist, and health enthusiast with more than 15 years of clinical experience. He is dedicated to educating people about good health and the role nature medicine plays in treating health conditions. In this dysbiosis video, Newson explains the condition and the ways in which it affects our overall health.
Three key facts from Health Matters: The Dangers of Dysbiosis:
- The GI tract is home to 70% of our immune system, so if there is an overabundance of bad bacteria due to dysbiosis, immune response is weakened
- The weakened immune system can make people more susceptible to viruses, colds, infections, and cancers
- Colitis, diarrhea, and liver damage are just a few of the possible conditions that can arise from dysbiosis
43. Modern Diets, Dysbiosis and Inflammatory Disease: Personalised Nutritional Microbiota Restoration
The British Association for Applied Nutrition & Nutritional Therapy, BANT, is a not-for-profit, volunteer-run organization representing UK-registered nutritional therapy professionals. In collaboration with CAM Conferences, BANT presents Modern Diets, Dysbiosis and Inflammatory Disease: Personalised Nutritional Microbiota Restoration, a recording of Benjamin Brown’s presentation on dysbiosis from CAM Conferences 2016. Brown is a naturopath, nutritionist, science writer, and speaker who connects people with evidence-based health information focusing on natural and lifestyle medicine for chronic disease prevention and optimal health at timeforwellness.org.
Three key facts from Modern Diets, Dysbiosis and Inflammatory Disease: Personalised Nutritional Microbiota Restoration:
- Even healthy individuals have dysbiosis, due to ecosystem destruction and loss of biodiversity in the western gut
- Dysbiosis-driven immune interactions are linked to illnesses that range from gastroenterological disease to mental illness
- Individualized nutritional interventions are one of the most successful ways to improve the composition, diversity, and metabolic functions of the microbiome
Dr. Elena Klimenko is an integrative medicine practitioner who is on a mission to promote optimal health with a blend of conventional medicine and alternative tratments. In her dysbiosis video, Dr. Klimenko offers an overview of dysbiosis and the ways in which it impacts overall health.
Three key facts from Dysbiosis:
- Dysbiosis may occur due to repeated intestinal infections, repeated use of antibiotics, chronic physical and psychological stress, and unhealthy dietary habits
- Fermented foods promote growth of healthy gut bacteria, and we can consume probiotics to increase the population of the beneficial gut bacteria
- Dysbiosis is a root cause of GI conditions, chronic skin conditions, autoimmune disorders, obesity, diabetes, and more
45. The Difference Between Dysbiosis and SIBO (Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth)
Dr. Jillian Teta specializes in naturopathic medicine, is the author of Natural Solutions for Digestive Health, and is the creator of Fix Your Digestion. In this dysbiosis video, Dr. Jillian examines the difference between dysbiosis and small intestine bacterial overgrowth while focusing on symptoms and tests.
Three key facts from The Difference Between Dysbiosis and SIBO (Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth):
- Dysbiosis refers to an imbalance of beneficial bacteria and harmful, pathogenic bacteria, while SIBO occurs when bacteria from the large intestine colonize in the small intestine
- Dysbiosis and SIBO share symptoms like gas, bloating, distention, and intolerance of carbohydrates, sugar, and probiotic supplementation
- Stool tests indicate levels of beneficial and harmful bacteria, so they are the better option for diagnosing dysbiosis
46. Gut Dysbiosis and Inflammation
Cindy Nicholson is a holistic nutritionist who works with clients to develop habits to make meaningful change happen so they can lose weight and get healthy. Her gut dysbiosis video explores how our gut bacteria have an impact on inflammation in our bodies.
Three key facts from Gut Dysbiosis and Inflammation:
- Inflammation is a major factor in chronic illnesses
- The digestive system is home to more than 100 trillion bacteria; beneficial bacteria digest food and synthesize vitamins while helping to rid the body of toxins in food and regulating the immune system
- Several factors, such as diet, antibiotics, and stress can contribute to gut dysbiosis, which leads to inflammation, leaky gut, and chronic illness
47. Inflammation, Dysbiosis and Chronic Disease
The National Institutes of Health’s NIH VideoCast delivers seminars, conferences, and meetings to a world-wide audience via streaming video and recordings. One such recording is Inflammation, Dysbiosis, and Chronic Disease, a lecture given by Dr. Richard A. Flavell from the Yale School of Medicine. Dr. Flavell and his laboratory staff “have elucidated the important function of inflammasomes as steady-state sensors and regulators of the gut microbiota.”
Three key facts fromInflammation, Dysbiosis and Chronic Disease:
- Dysbiosis is associated with the development of inflammatory and metabolic diseases such as obesity and diabetes
- Identifying and isolating organisms within the gut is helping researchers such as Dr. Flavell to determine whether certain diseases phenotypes associated with dysbiosis result from the expansion of pathobionts that drive pathogenesis
- There appears to be a significant involvement of specific microbes in human disease
Dr. Kathleen Wills is a U.S. board certified integrative medical doctor, doctor of natural medicine, and traditional naturopath. In this dysbiosis video, Dr. Wills discusses the condition, its symptoms, its causes, and ways to restore gut flora to a balanced state using dietary recommendations and nutritional supplements.
Three key facts from Intestinal Dysbiosis Treatment:
- Dysbiosis is becoming more common because of increased psychological and physical stress and antibiotics
- Diets high in fat, sugar, and simple carbohydrates and low in fiber lead to dysbiosis
- Antibiotics destroy the good flora in the gut and are a leading cause of dysbiosis
49. Fibre and Gut Dysbiosis by Dorota Trupp, Nutritionist, BSHc
Dorota Trupp, nutritionist, gut health expert, natural medicine educator, author, and speaker, shares information about the relationship between fiber and dysbiosis in this video. Available on YouTube, Fibre and Gut Dysbiosis by Dorata Trupp, Nutritionist, BSHc, is a brief video that explains why gut dysbiosis due to antibiotics may not be corrected by an increased fiber intake.
Three key facts from Fibre and Gut Dysbiosis by Dorota Trupp, Nutritionist, BSHc:
- People who undergo antibiotic therapy often experience a deficit of beneficial gut flora
- Diarrhea, constipation, bloating, and gas occur frequently in people who suffer from dysbiosis
- Avoid increasing your fiber intake if you have dysbiosis because it feeds harmful bacteria; the key is starving the bad bacteria and introducing fermented foods and probiotics to rebalance the gut flora
50. Emerging Research on Dysbiosis, Depression and Probiotics
Dr. Kulveen Virdee takes a therapeutic approach that emphasizes thorough medical evaluation and diagnostic testing, includes compassionate care, and focuses on educating and empowering patients to heal themselves naturally. She earned her doctorate of naturopathic medicine at Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine and shares her knowledge and experience with viewers in her YouTube videos, such as Emerging Research on Dysbiosis, Depression and Probiotics. In the video, Dr. Virdee discusses the latest information on gastrointestinal microbiota and symptoms of anxiety and depression.
Three key facts from Emerging Research on Dysbiosis, Depression and Probiotics:
- There is an established link between gut flora and mood health
- The GI tract is known as our second brain because the brain directly communicates with the nervous system in the intestinal tracts
- Taking probiotics corrects dysbiosis and increases chemicals that combat depression, as evidenced by breath tests in clinical studies