Probiotical Cell Fragments (PCFs) as “Novel Nutraceutical Ingredients”

Authors: Nditange Shigwedha, Liubov Sichel, Li Jia, Lanwei Zhang
Year: 2014
Publication: Journal of Biosciences and Medicines

Abstract: Probiotical cell fragments (PCFs) are structural components of the probiotic cell lysate(s) and exhibit similar beneficial effects on the host as live probiotic bacteria. With cell fragment technology (CFT™), the structural fragments are isolated and purified from live probiotic cells. While observed to be strain-dependent as in the case of live probiotics, orally administered PCFs demonstrated a broad spectrum of immune modulation functions; anti-allergy; anti-inflammation; anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties; anti-mutagenic; and radioprotective and detoxification abilities in humans and animals. The PCFs mechanisms of action include events of motifs of cell wall peptidoglycans (PGs), DNA motifs, nucleotide containing components, lipoteichoic acids (LTAs), surface layer (S-layer) proteins, and cellular carbohydrates. Different immunological in vivo-in vitro tests have shown that PCFs, essentially, have the ability to stimulate the macrophages, and induce cytokines such as interleukins (ILs), tumor necrosis factors (TNFs), interferons (IFNs), and natural killer (NK) cells. PCFs may be used as ingredients for foods and beverages or as nutritional supplements with long term stability and shelf-life up to 5 years. PCFs may also be used as health restorative ingredients in cosmetic products. The outcome of probiotics CFT™ stands as an advantage to the food and pharmaceutical industries, regarding the formulation of unique products with unadulterated sensory characteristics of origin. Hence, PCFs are being characterized here as “novel nutraceutical ingredients” for health maintenance in both humans and animals.

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