Learn About
del-IMMUNE V is a metabiotic; a probiotic lysate derived from a unique strain of Lactobacillus rhamnosus that provides immediate broad-spectrum immune support while balancing and healing the gut microbiome.*
del-IMMUNE V works by regulating and enhancing the immune system by initiating the production of immune mediator cells that the body requires to maintain proper immune function and balance. del-IMMUNE V helps the immune system identify and fight off the presence of viruses, bacteria, allergens, or other pathogens with remarkable efficacy.*
del-IMMUNE V replicates the immune sequence that occurs naturally in the intestine between gut microbiota and immune receptors where the core of human immune activity is located and responsible for fighting a variety of environmental invaders.*
del-IMMUNE V is also known to work faster and more efficiently than prebiotics, probiotics, and postbiotics, heal gut epithelia cells, increase intestinal mucosal defenses, and promote growth of friendly gut microbiota. This creates optimal conditions for your gut microbiome which is an essential part of an effective and well-functioning immune system.*
Our metabiotics are derived from the most beneficial parts of probiotics through a proprietary process that replicates a natural sequence in the body. We use specific enzymes in this process, such as those in your digestive system, to break down the probiotic cell wall in order to collect the cell wall fragments and DNA motifs. These molecules make up the composition of a metabiotic and thus mark a distinct difference from a postbiotic.*
Small amounts of these molecules (metabiotics) are released into the body as a natural product resulting from the end of microorganism life cycles in the gut. These molecules then communicate with immune receptors in the body to help regulate immune system function. Through direct consumption of metabiotics, as in our supplements, the body is given exceedingly faster and more effective means of regulating immune system function.
Metabiotics are also known to work faster and more efficiently than prebiotics, probiotics, and postbiotics, heal gut epithelia cells, increase mucosal defenses, and promote growth of friendly microbiota.*
Metabiotics represent a completely natural formed way to maintain an inner health balance, and according to recent scientific research, they are beginning to revolutionize our idea of how we could better treat human health in the future.*
Our metabiotics, used in del-IMMUNE V, are derived using Cell Fragment Technology, a proprietary cell fragmentation process based on the replication of a natural sequence in the body. Using enzymes such as those in your digestive system, this process breaks down the cell wall of a unique probiotic strain (Lactobacillus rhamnosus DV - NRRLB-68023) and collects the cell wall fragments and DNA motifs, which account for the composition of a metabiotic. This unique probiotic strain of Lactobacillus rhamnosus was chosen after decades of clinical research proving its ability to prompt a wide range of immune activities in the body.*
Here’s a brief overview of how our process works:
Immune System Support: Induces beneficial immune functions and sets off an anti-inflammatory response that helps to improve innate and adaptive immune system functionality. Increases production of immune mediator cells including, but not limited to, cytokines and immunoglobulins. May lessen the severity of symptoms from cold, flu, or upper respiratory illnesses.*
Anti-Viral: Activates mechanisms involved in anti-viral defense and can induce anti-inflammatory mechanisms and production of interferons.*
Anti-Inflammatory: Decreases inflammation and the negative side effects of stress on the body.*
Probiotic Properties: Functions as a probiotic, provides gastrointestinal support, heals gut tissues, stimulates digestion, decreases inflammation, and encourages microbiota growth.*
Prebiotic Properties: Functions as a prebiotic/bifidogenic/lactogenic, stimulates growth of beneficial microbiota, increases quantity of Bifidobacteria and Lactobacillus and suppresses or eliminates pathogens.*
Anti-Allergenic Properties: May function as an anti-allergenic agent and induce production of mediators involved in anti-allergy activities associated with food allergy and seasonal and environmental allergens.*
Antibiotic Properties: May function as an antibiotic without negative side-effects and helps eliminate growth of pathogenic bacteria, fungi, and other threats.*
shopCompared to Probiotics:
Compared to Prebiotics:
Compared to Postbiotics:
The Gut Microbiome and The Immune System
Your gut microbiome is made up of trillions of microorganisms that live in your intestinal tract. These microorganisms, mainly bacteria, are commonly referred to as gut microbiota and are closely involved in a wide range of functions that are critical to your overall health and well-being.
A healthy gut microbiome relies on having the right balance of microorganisms with a high level of biodiversity. A healthy microbiome is a major indicator of how effective your immune system will be, with the right balance, the body will initiate the production of effective immune mediator cells.
These immune mediator cells activate and regulate a wide range of important protective immune reactions in the body, keep inflammation and allergies under control, organize interaction with the body’s nervous, hormone, and digestive systems, and can positively influence mental health.
When the microbiome is unbalanced, the immune system will be in a weakened state and the body can be at serious risk of developing a host of negative health conditions.
The metabiotics in del-IMMUNE V work faster and more efficiently than most functions of prebiotics, probiotics, and postbiotics, and can heal gut epithelia cells, increase mucosal defenses, decrease gut inflammation, and promote growth of friendly microbiota, creating optimal conditions for your gut microbiome and thus ensuring your immune system can function at peak performance.*
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