delPRO™ Shown to Support Gastrointestinal Function in Kids

delPRO™ Shown to Support Better Gastrointestinal Function in Children with Autism

Autism and more specifically autism spectrum disorder (ASD) are disorders of brain development characterized by difficulties in communication, social interaction and repetitive motions. Individuals with autism often have issues with motor coordination, and disturbances in both sleep and gastrointestinal function.

In June 2013, The Journal of Probiotics and Health published the results of our delPRO™ research project conducted in conjunction with Generation Rescue, an international non-profit organization located in Sherman Oaks, California. The foundation is an excellent resource for ASD children, their parents, and health professionals interested in better understanding autism. Currently an estimated 1 in 50 newborns will suffer from some form of Autism Spectrum Disorder.

In the article, we note that, “Children with ASD frequently exhibit gastrointestinal (GI) distress. They often have deficiencies of beneficial intestinal microflora, which may lead to inflammation or immune dysfunction, malabsorption, food intolerance, failure to thrive, gas, bloating, or diarrhea.” Essentially, some children with ASSD have constipation lasting for several days that in turn cause serious health and management issues.  There are also ASD sufferers whose chronic diarrhea becomes a serious problem at home and in school.

Treatment of constipation for autistic children typically focuses on the use of laxative or lubricants. In addition, many probiotics or probiotic blends are administered. In this research project, we studied the beneficial effect of delPRO™, a blend of five highly concentrated probiotics mixed with del-IMMUNE V® an immune modulator. Probiotics are live, natural microbial components in the intestinal tract. Their primary function is to improve digestive health, and recent studies suggest that probiotics are poised to gain an increasingly important role in preventative health.

The research study showed that delPRO™ nutritional supplements can have important beneficial effects on bowel issues experienced by children suffering from Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).

delPRO™ contains a dually beneficial blend of probiotics that contribute to intestinal health plus del-IMMUNE V® for immediate immune support.

The research study studied children with ASD over two 21-day periods…before and after taking delPRO™…using the Autism Treatment Evaluation Checklist (ATEC), an industry standard checklist utilized by researchers and medical professionals throughout the world.

Results showed that 88% of the children experienced positive improvement in ASD symptoms spanning all four ATEC categories (speech/language/communication; sociability; sensory/cognitive awareness; and health/physical behavior).  Further results showed a decrease in two symptoms that are common with autism in children: 57% decrease in constipation severity and 52% decrease in diarrhea.

What Caregivers had to say about delPRO™

Caregivers were also provided with the opportunity to comment on the changes in the ASD affected children.  Here are some of the responses:

“delPRO™ definitely helped with constipation issues as well as improved heartburn, no need for Nexium…I have tried a lot of probiotics for my son, but delPRO™ was the only one I have ever seen any improvement.”

“I do believe that the immunity booster has helped her.

“Child is less bloated…decreased appetite to a more appropriate level.”

“I feel that the immunity booster is helping lessen the severity of illnesses.”

“I especially like the fact that it tastes pleasant because I have to open the capsules and sprinkle on food. It’s great that I don’t have a hard time getting him to take it.”

“Bowel movements were consistent and had a more natural appearance that before.”

“I will say that my children all have severe yeast issues and I think that while they were on the delPRO™ the signs and symptoms of severe yeast decreased. I can say that I saw tremendous improvement with my sons when they took the delPRO™ and I would continue giving them delPRO™ because of those results.”

As a result of this controlled delPRO™ study, there is good evidence that delPRO™ capsules helped many of the ASD affected children who participated in the research project. Objective measurement provided by ATEC scores assisted in measuring improvement.

The del-IMMUNE V® formulated into delPRO™ contains cell fragments, DNA and components of a unique strain of Lactobacillus Rhamnosus. The immune system is known to respond to these cell fragments, providing an ability to trigger immune response faster and thus enhance the body’s own natural way of fending off foreign invaders that can lead to cold, flu and other maladies.

Probiotics such as those in delPRO™ have been shown to be effective in such vital health issues has warding off viral infections, lowering cholesterol, and fighting fibromyalgia, eczema and chronic fatigue syndrome.

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